Mr Roger MARSH OBE DL - Leeds
Chair, NP11, Leeds City Region Local
Enterprise Partnership and The Piece
Hall Trust. For services to Business, to
the Economy, and the community in
Northern England
(West Yorkshire)
Ms Anne Elizabeth LONGFIELD OBE - Bradford
Lately Children’s Commissioner for
England. For services to Children
(West Yorkshire)
Dr Jonathan Paul SHEFFIELD OBE - Leeds
Chief Executive Officer, Clinical
Research Network, National Institute
for Health Research. For services to
Medical Research particularly during the
Covid-19 Response
(West Yorkshire)
Professor Marios ADAMOU - Wakefield
Consultant Psychiatrist, South West
Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation
Trust. For services to Mental Health
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Marian MAHONEY - Wakefield
Head of Reconfiguration, Ministry of
Justice. For services to HM Prison and
Probation Service and the Criminal Justice System
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Nigel Jonathan WOOD - Bradford
Lately Chief Executive, Rugby League
International Federation. For services to
Rugby League Football
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Vivianne Frances BREALEY - Bradford
Deputy Director of Communications at
Public Health England. For services to
Public Health particularly during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Matthew Rigby BROWN - Wakefield
Lead Technical Architect, NHS Digital.
For services to the Covid-19 Response
(West Yorkshire)
Dr Anne Lesley CONNOLLY - Leeds
General Practitioner, Bevan Healthcare.
For services to Primary Care Women’s
Health in Bradford
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Susan Elizabeth CUMMINGS - Bradford
Guidance Improvement Lead, HM
Revenue and Customs. For services to
Improving Customer Service
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Karen GIBSON - Kirklees
For services to Safety in Transport
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Stephen Paul GREENE - Leeds
For services to BT and their Colleagues
and Customers’ Safety during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Alan John HASTINGS - Wakefield
Major Incident Room Manager,
Operation STOVEWOOD, National
Crime Agency. For services to Law Enforcement
(West Yorkshire)
Ms Fahima KHANOM - Calderdale
Halifax Check Challenge Appeal, Hub
Manager, Valuation Office Agency. For
services to Customers during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Miss Rachael LOFTUS - Leeds
Leeds Covid Shielding Programme
Lead, West Yorkshire Health and Care
Partnership Head of Regional Health
Partnerships. For services to the
Shielding Programme in Leeds
(West Yorkshire)
Miss Sofia MAHMOOD - Bradford
Director, Empowering Minds, Bradford.
For services to Education
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Simon MIDDLETON - Wakefield
Coach, England Women’s Rugby Union
Team. For services to Rugby Football
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Robert James MITCHELL - Calderdale
Principal Social Worker (Adults),
Bradford Council. For services to the
Social Work Profession
(West Yorkshire)
Miss Samantha Pippa MOORE - Leeds
For services to Dance
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Elizabeth Anne WHETHAM - Calderdale
Executive Headteacher, Holy Trinity
Primary School, Halifax. For services to
(West Yorkshire)
## Medallists of the Order of the British Empire
Mrs Nagina AKHTER - Bradford
For services to the community in
Bradford, West Yorkshire during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Michelle CHAPMAN - Bradford
For services to the community in
Bingley, West Yorkshire during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Miss Rowenna Ann GARRARD-BROWN - Leeds
Carer, Shared Lives. For services to
Social Care during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Ms Amanda GUEST - Kirklees
Co-founder, Food4Heroes. For services
to the Covid-19 Response
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Shaw Andrew HARVEY - Wakefield
For services to the community in
Knottingley, West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Abrar HUSSAIN - Calderdale
For services to the community in
Halifax, West Yorkshire during Covid-19
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Mohammed IMRAN - Bradford
For services to the community in
Bradford, West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Humayun ISLAM - Bradford
For services to the community in
Bradford, West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Angela MCCONNELL - Leeds
For services to the community in
Bramley, West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Philip MCCONNELL - Leeds
For services to the community in
Bramley, West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)
Mr Ernest Ronald PICKLES - Bradford
For services to Young People and the
community in West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)
Mrs Margaret Frances SMITH JP - Bradford
For services to the community in
Keighley, West Yorkshire
(West Yorkshire)